
Should I Put My Vet's Phone Number On My Dog's Tag

What's on your dog's tag? Having the right ID on your dog can be an invaluable tool for helping get them home speedily. Learn what to put on a dog tag to aid them observe their way dorsum to you lot.

You lot'd practise anything to keep your dog safe, but you lot may be overlooking 1 of the well-nigh important tools for making sure your dog can always find his way home: Dog ID tags. We tin can help you figure out what to put on a canis familiaris tag to ensure that your domestic dog has the right info to go home safely.

Some people love their pups so much, they have portraits made from sites like Instapainting. (And why not? Dogs tend to be better friends and family unit than some people, correct?). If your pet is part of your family unit, then have the right precautions to brand sure they can always notice their mode home.

Why Do Dogs Need ID?

Your dog will e'er be a puppy to you lot. Rambunctious, playful, and curious at heart, dogs are ever ready to explore, but sometimes, their curiosity can go them into trouble. No affair how former your pup is, at that place is always some mischief that could put the creature in a dangerous situation.

Allow'southward say you're on holiday, walking your pup in an unfamiliar city, and a mischievous squirrel skitters downward from a tree. Suddenly your domestic dog may forget he's on a leash and explode like a barking rocket after the tree rodent.

Teach your dog practiced walking behaviours with tips from How to Stop Your Dog From Pulling on Ternion.

Maybe yous were able to hold the leash, maybe yous weren't. Maybe the squirrel made it to the tree, mayhap it couldn't, and ran downwardly an aisle. Either way, your canis familiaris vanished. What now?

Without proper identification, it is going to be very difficult for anyone who finds your dog to get in touch with you. Additionally, certain IDs similar city licenses or vaccine tags may be mandated by your local government.

Without the right ID, your dog could cease up being lost for a lot longer or may cease up at the pound with no way to discover his family unit.

Helping Others Help Your Pup

Hopefully, you are protecting your dog with a neckband that has the correct information on its dangling canis familiaris tags. Only what to put on a dog tag; that's the question! Nosotros'll go over some of the most common and most of import suggestions for putting the correct data on your domestic dog'south ID tags.

When your canis familiaris gets lost, y'all hope that someone will find them quickly, whether it'due south a neighbour, a stranger, or even the canis familiaris catcher. They are safer with a homo than wandering around on their own.

To make sure they are quickly brought habitation, there are a few ways to make your dog easily identifiable:

  • Domestic dog ID Tags
  • Micro Chips
  • Tattoos

Each type has its pros and cons, and many pet owners prefer to use multiple identification methods to ensure their pet'south quick homecoming if they always become lost. Below is a quick breakdown of each type of identification to help you decide which ones are right for y'all.

Dog ID Tags

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The virtually preferred method of identification for dogs is domestic dog ID tags. They are cheap and easy to run into, and so when your dog gets spotted by a passerby, they will immediately notice the tags and know that your dog is lost.

Benefits of Canis familiaris ID Tags

There are many reasons that you may prefer canis familiaris ID tags, and we recommend that you have an up-to-date ID tag for your dog regardless of whatever other identification methods you choose. Here are the benefits and disadvantages of domestic dog ID tags:


The price range of dog ID tags can vary, but they are in full general, very affordable. You can choose from a bones aluminum tag for the most function, or something a little more stylish if your dog prefers a little artful flair. The fancier the tag, the greater the cost may be.

The lower toll of ID tags makes them like shooting fish in a barrel to replace if they get damaged or if your contact info changes suddenly.


ID tags can exist customized to share specific data about your pet that may affect how a stranger cares for them until they can exist returned to you lot safely. Additionally, your contact info may alter several times over the course of your dog'southward life, and sometimes those changes may be temporary.

You can customize spare ID tags for specific trips or situations. For instance, if you lot take to leave your domestic dog with a friend, you lot may want them to have more than authentic information so they can be returned to the appropriate person.

Artistic Dog Tag Ideas

While a fun message isn't required, it is fun. Hither are ten of our favourite funny domestic dog tag ideas to give the next person that finds your pooch a chuckle:

        • Not All Who Wander Are Lost. Except Me. Delight Call My Mom!
        • Got Lost Looking for B*tches.
        • Oh, Sh*t! I'grand Lost
        • My Mom is Freaking Out Right Now!
        • Have Your People Phone call my People
        • If You Can Read This, I Will Lick You!
        • I Seem to Take Misplaced My Hooman...
        • I Escaped... Muahaha!
        • Tin You Phone call My Mom? I Don't Take Thumbs.
        • Professional Escape Artist


Different microchips or tattoos, ID tags do not require whatsoever needles or procedures that could have agin reactions. They only dangle from your domestic dog'south collar. They are small and light enough that your canis familiaris volition chop-chop become used to them.

Easy to Read

ID tags tin can be deciphered past anyone, unlike other identification methods. Anyone who finds your canis familiaris can read the info and get in touch with you immediately. This volition get in more than likely that a stranger volition help.

What to Put on a Canis familiaris Tag

To ensure that your dog is appropriately handled and returned to you lot, you need to know what to put on a canis familiaris tag. Y'all can be as plain or clever every bit yous'd like, but make certain that the vital information is there. Here are some things you might consider for your dog's ID tag:

Their Proper noun

This one'due south pretty straightforward: as you're exploring what to put on a canis familiaris tag, don't forget the animate being'south name. Put it in either bold letters or a larger font right at the top of the tag.

A domestic dog's eyes might get large and they might bark or whine, but dogs think about their situation. They tin exist trained extensively and can learn. So even if a stranger calls their proper noun, your pup is likely to recognize it and be more obedient. If that name is front and heart on the pup'southward tag, it makes things easier for everybody.

Additionally, your canis familiaris may be less nervous with their temporary bodyguard if they can call them by name. This might make the experience less stressful for everyone involved

Phone Number

Plainly, when y'all're exploring what to put on a domestic dog tag, your phone number should be at the acme of the list. While non everyone likes giving out their phone number, it is the most user-friendly and firsthand method for someone to contact you lot should they find your dog.

Yous may even want to put a few unlike phone numbers on the tag to ensure that someone else could be contacted if you are abroad from your phone.

You don't pay past the letter of the alphabet with our tags, so yous tin put multiple phone numbers on a single tag if you'd like. Continue in mind, the more info you want to add together to the tag, the bigger the tag may need to exist to maintain legibility.

Free Shipping - Pet ID Tags

Home Address

So what to put on a domestic dog tag may differ from region to region. If y'all live in a small town, then your dog may not get far, and then you lot can be a piffling more vague with your address, simply the larger the surface area, the more specific you may need to exist, potentially all the way up to postal code and state.

In some situations, a total address may not be all that helpful, like if you are vacationing with your dog in some other province or state. In this instance, a city and country may exist enough to help someone get your dog dorsum to yous.

Email Address

An email address, provided it'due south not overly long, is as well a corking respond to the question "what should I put on a dog tag?" If someone can't call y'all, email is a great way to get. E-mail also allows them to send you something, like a video or a picture, through email to verify that they have your pet without incurring whatever costs that may be associated with texting these multi-media messages.

Your email may exist besides long to fit on a domestic dog tag, so it's non a necessity, but if it fits, it'south a good thought. Don't stress too much about plumbing fixtures everything on the tag, and instead, think more about putting the most important information that volition legibly fit on the dog tag.

Medical Needs

Many dog lovers forget medication when they're considering what to put on a dog tag. Especially given the diversity of breeds out in that location, and how those breeds are fabricated, it's considerable that some pups take "built-in", if you will, medical issues.

If you can fit pertinent information on there, y'all should. It could be very helpful; especially if your pup is lost for a while. Think of their tag like a medic alert bracelet. Conditions similar diabetes or food allergies tin can exist noted to ensure that whoever finds your dog knows they may demand to be cautious about what they feed your pet.

Other Relevant Data

Lastly, you want to be sure any other relevant info is included when you lot're thinking about what to put on a dog tag. Any behaviours that your domestic dog may show that might surprise a stranger could be added to the tag.

For example, if your dog is reactive effectually cats, that might exist something a young man pet lover might want to know before potentially bringing your dog home if they demand to.

Pet ID Tags

What an Effective Dog Tag Looks Like

Not everything listed above needs to go on every tag. Y'all pick the information that it near relevant to your dog and your canis familiaris's situation. If you want your canis familiaris tag to be thorough, then what to put on a dog tag may require a little strategy. This is a possible template:





At present certainly, that's a lot of info to fit on a tiny tag, so you desire to be strategic. You lot may take to condense things, stick to tags that allow engraving on both sides, or buy two tags. Perhaps instead of putting the full proper name of a medication, you merely put the words - meds needed.

Fifty-fifty with some abbreviations, you may still need to cut out information to fit the most relevant info on the tag.  Perhaps pull out the electronic mail or the special advisements if they aren't absolutely required. A lot of times, pet owners use just a name and phone number to make certain it's piece of cake to read.

Ideally, y'all'd want a little more info than that, but if you lot have a very small dog, they'll need a very small tag, which means you can only put a very small amount of info on it. Additionally, you can certainly have multiple tags printed if more information is required.

Dog Microchips

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A very mutual practice for dog owners is microchipping their pets. This involves a small microchip to be injected under your dog'due south skin with a needle. This small bit is and then registered, assuasive any vet's part to scan the flake, pulling up the animate being'southward contact info.

Different a canis familiaris ID tag, a microchip can be damaged or lost, so even if he loses his collar and tags, he can still be returned to you speedily.

The price to microchip a pet through your vet is normally around $70 in Canada, only y'all may be able to find a better price through your local SPCA. They often offer some basic services, like microchipping or spay/neutering for cheaper to encourage pet owners and potential pet adopters to choose these responsible pet ownership practices.

Today, microchipping engineering science uses something called an ISO standard. This allows microchips of dissimilar frequencies to exist scanned by whatever microchip scanner. If your pet is lost in a different metropolis, or even country, their fleck should be scannable.

While microchips are very safe, they do have a downside. Microchips can shift under your dog's peel, moving to a different location. Though information technology won't harm your domestic dog, information technology will make the chip harder to find and scan. Vet'due south know to expect in a wider search area when looking for a microchip, just in case information technology has moved.

According to, there may be more serious side effects of microchipping your dog:

"Medical reports and scientific studies reveal that dogs and cats accept adult aggressive malignant growths at the site of their microchip implants."

While this is apropos, it is extremely rare. Though microchipping is an effective method for identifying your pet, it's not your merely option. Talk to your vet if y'all have concerns about the safety of microchipping your dog.

Canis familiaris Tattoos

Your dog might look pretty rad with some sweet tats, simply the tattoos that we are talking virtually are for identification purposes simply. This is a less common practice these days, but it's absolutely still an option.

The tattoo is written in code, so you lot may not know what it says, but the serial number will be registered, assuasive a vet to look up the file associated with the number.

Yous may not like the idea of a tattoo for your dog. Rest assured, the procedure is minimally invasive, and not very painful. Information technology's often done with your dog fully awake. Though generally prophylactic, there is a small risk of allergic reaction. It's very rare, and usually not serious.

Some other factor is that only like human tattoos, the ink tin can fade and stretch with the skin, which could make information technology harder to read equally your canis familiaris gets older. To make the ink easier to read, swipe a cotton fiber swab with a pocket-sized amount of rubbing alcohol across the tattoo. The ink will look a picayune clearer, allowing y'all to read the full lawmaking.

Special ID for Travelling with Dogs

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When the issue of what to put on a dog tag presents itself, you've got a lot of options. Ultimately, information technology'south up to you, but if yous're going to be travelling regularly with your animal, you lot want it to be easy for those in some other city to contact you should your pooch decide to be mischievous and run off afterwards a squirrel or something.

Your regular canis familiaris tag may accept your abode accost or home phone number, only that won't be of much assist in a different country. Jail cell telephone numbers and email addresses are going to be much more relevant in these situations.

If you are travelling in a country that speaks a different language, and so you may want a tag engraved with your pet'southward information in the appropriate language. If whoever finds your dog doesn't speak or read English, then they may have a heck of a time returning your lost pooch.

Do yous think we missed anything? Got a clever or funny message on your dog's tag? Let us know in the comments below.

Should I Put My Vet's Phone Number On My Dog's Tag,


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